Sunday, March 25, 2007

Staff Development for Technology Integration

It is great when schools are able to purchase and set-up technology in their schools, but if the teachers don't know how to use the technology it becomes a waste of money. Creating technology staff development is very important but we have to use new methods to instruct teachers. This chapter deals with four different methods of technology staff development.

Collier (2001) states that teachers need hands-on experiences, interaction with the software, examples of well-designed lessons, instruction on finding and evaluating resources, instruction in techniques and technologies for student inquiry, and instruction in the creation of new resources. In order for teachers to do these things there needs to be technology mentors, teachers who know a little about technology and pass along this information to other teachers. There also needs to be a teacher technology requirement and student technology requirement.

I am glad we have a TRT at our school to help create and learn about technologies at our school. Although they are a great resource, I do wish I had more time to play with technology and create lesson plans. I feel that the administration wants us to use the technology but forget about the time and effort needed to create lessons based on technology.

Collier, C.(2001). “Staff Development for Technology Integration” Technology In Its Place. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco.

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